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PSE 2023 Meeting - Natural Drug Discovery: Current Approach and Future Perspectives

Abstract Preparation Guidelines

Abstract Submission Steps

  1. Please kindly submit your abstract by clicking at "Make Submission" link.
  2. When your paper is sent successfully, your abstract id will be sent to the e-mail address you have specified.
  3. Please kindly prepare and your abstract in Word format according to the abstract rules and kindly upload the file to "Upload File" section.


  • All abstracts must be submitted according to the following instructions before August 15, 2023 (Extended)
  • For all types of abstracts, speakers are expected to submit a structured abstract through our abstract submission system.
  • The results of the evaluation of the abstracts will be notified to you by e-mail after the peer review.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstract book after registering.


  • All presentations should be prepared in English
  • Presentations can be presented as oral and/or posters.
  • Only original research will be accepted as papers for the congress, review articles will not be accepted.
  • In order for the abstract’s acceptance, it is mandatory for the presenting author to register for the congress.
  • Font: Times New Roman 12pt
  • Spacing: Single line spacing, A4 size and with 2.5 cm margins from the edges.
  • Title: Abstract should be 14 points, bold and the first letters of the words should be capitalized.
  • Limitations: Abstracts should be prepared in English with a maximum of 300 words. (Do not count the title, author names and institutions)
  • Author names-surnames should be clear and the first letters should be capitalized. The name of the author who will make the presentation should be underlined.
  • Institutions of the authors should be indicated with indices and written in italics.
  • The e-mail address of the presenting author should be specified.
  • Naming your abstract file (use Microsoft Word)
    • “Oral” and “Poster”
    • Dash (–)
    • Last name of First Author

Example: If you (Dr/Mr/Ms. Guven) are submitting two abstracts, one for an Oral presentation and another one as a Poster, you should name them: Oral- Guven.docx  and Poster-Guven.docx


  • For oral presentations, there will be a total time limit of 15 minutes as 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.


  • Posters should consist of an informative title, introduction, methods, results and discussion with references.
  • Presentation title, author names and addresses should be on the top of the posters.
  • Posters should be prepared in 90 cm (length) x 60 cm (width) in size.

Important Dates

Meeting Date: October 12-15, 2023 – Antalya, Türkiye
Meeting Venue: Sherwood Exclusive Kemer Hotel
Early Bird Registration: August 30, 2023
End date for submission of abstracts: August 15, 2023 (Extended)


Review and Program Committees:



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